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Lost Your Blogger Blog? Try This!

Is Your Blog Not Showing up?

You may have misspelled your blog name when you created it- Happens to the best of us Check out what YrHelper Infonut did with http://Deals4Canda.blogspot.com Sometimes we are sure we've typed the right blog address,but we still can't find it. Here's a quick easy way to find a lost blog:
To find your lost Blogger blog the easy way:

Five Quick Easy Steps to Finding Your Lost Blogger Blog

  1. Go to a blogger blog (Like this one.)
  2. Click 'Create a blog' in the top right corner
  3. Using the email address you used for your previous, create a new blog - you can never have too many
  4. Then, after you create your new blog ,you'll see all your blogs in your dashboard.
  5. Click 'View blog', and note the spelling of your blog name in the address bar. If you like the way the address is, keep it. If not, you can make a lemon from your lemonade as YrHelper Infonut did from their typo, or simply delete it, and start fresh.
Hope this helped! Happy blogging!

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Have you lost a Blogger blog? There tons of blogs floating around out there that haven't been written on in eons.

You can also access all your blogs directly through your Google Account.

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