
Facebook Introduces Timeline - Opinions?

Facebook Timeline: Review ~

Facebook Timeline for personal profiles rolls out within the next few weeks. Samuel W. Lessin, a Facebook product manager, outlined some of the highlights on the Facebook blog last Thursday.  Here is my take on the new changes, including praise,and a caveat. What do you think of the changes? Have your say in the comments below.

Facebook Timeline:Woah! Where did Everything Go?

Facebook Timeline first noticeable difference will be cosmetic,and have people scrambling once again to search for 'where exactly did they move everything?' Relax,it's all there,and then some. Timeline is wider than your old profile, and a lot more visual.  This new profile view is similar to a magazine cover. The first thing you'll notice is the giant photo right at the top. This is your 'cover' photo, and it's completely up to you which of your photos you put there.

Facebook Timeline:Your New Facebook View

Facebook Timeline:Best Change

With the new changes you will be able to highlight important past events that previously slid off the bottom of your page,while you added info about what you ate for breakfast. No more clicking 'Older Posts' at the bottom of the page again,and again.
Below your cover info, you'll see your posts, photos and life events as they happened in time. You choose what's featured on your timeline. You can star your favorites to double their size or hide things altogether. If important parts of your story aren't included on your timeline, you can go back to when they happened and add them. You can also go to your private activity log. This is where you'll find everything you shared since you joined Facebook. Click any post to feature it on your timeline so your friends can see it, too.

Facebook Timeline: New Apps

The new social Apps let you show the things you like to do on your timeline – the music you listen to, the recipes you try, the runs you take and more,so friends can join in listening to the same song, or watching the same TV show.
The new Apps are now apps today, but timeline won't be available for a few weeks.

Facebook Timeline:Caveat

When you get your timeline, you can choose to publish it immediately or take a few days to review what's there and add anything that's missing. My recommendation? Review it carefully,before sharing. Be sure who can see what is on your Timeline, and think carefully about how sharing information about your personal life may affect others in your life-children, grandchildren, and even your own employment. Canadians will remember what happened during the last Federal election when reporters with pictures of candidates other than the Conservative party on their Facebook pages were ousted from election gatherings. Enjoy using Facebook,but do it wisely!
It's your turn now. What do you think of the new Facebook Timeline? Love it Hate it? Agree? Disagree? Here is your chance to voice your opinion, and even maybe get a few new followers.  Looking for the ‘How To’? It will be posted,as soon as my personal profile flips.

1 comment:

  1. This post is dedicated to @SueAngels Who asked "What happened to my Facebook?" What's your opinion of the new Timeline?


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